Introduction: What is a French Bulldog?
French bulldogs were originally bred in England in the 1800s as a cross between bulldogs and French toy poodles. They were bred to be an apartment-sized dog that could live comfortably in small spaces and they have been popular ever since.
Are French Bulldogs are great with Kids?
French bulldogs will not be the best choice for families who want a dog that is more protective or athletic. But they are perfect for families with kids who want a small, playful, and affectionate dog that will match their energy level! They are also very playful and love to cuddle. Frenchies can be trained to do tricks and would be happy to play fetch all day long.

French Bulldogs Smell
The French bulldog is a breed of dog that is known for its flatulence. They have a tendency to produce gas and fart, which can be embarrassing at times. If you have one, you might want to invest in some air fresheners or doggy odor removers.

French Bulldogs are Funny Dogs
French Bulldogs are known for being goofy and silly. They do silly things like jumping up on people or trying to take food from your plate. It is not uncommon for them to walk around with a toy in their mouth and sometimes even try to steal one from another dog’s toy pile!

French Bulldogs are known for being goofy and silly. They do silly things like jumping up on people or trying to take food from your plate. It is not uncommon for them to walk around with a toy in their mouth and sometimes even try to steal one from another dog’s toy pile!
French Bulldogs are Hard to Train
The French bulldog has a reputation for being difficult to train. This is not because they are not intelligent enough, but because it is hard to find their natural urge and motivation to learn new things. The best way to train them is by using positive reinforcement, which means that you reward them when they do something correctly. They Can be trained to do many tasks and tricks, but it may take some more determination with this breed.
French Bulldogs make Excellent Companions
French Bulldogs love their owners and will do anything for them. They are very protective and will follow their owners around the house. They can often be found sleeping on their owner’s lap or in a ball on the floor next to them.

A French Bulldog is a great companion for an individual who wants a dog that is always happy and full of life, but also wants one that will stay close by at all times.
French Bulldog As Therapy Dogs
For those with anxiety, French bulldogs can be the perfect companion. They are low-energy and don’t need much exercise. This is especially helpful for those who suffer from panic attacks or anxiety disorders, because it can be difficult to leave the house or do anything too strenuous when you’re feeling anxious.

French Bulldogs Sometimes Bark
French bulldogs are known for their cute faces and their tendency to bark. French bulldogs can be very vocal and they may bark at anything. French Bulldogs sometimes bark at small animals such as squirrels, birds, or cats. They will also bark when they are hungry or want to go out.
French Bulldogs Can’t Be Overexerted
French bulldogs can’t run for long periods of time because they have a hard time breathing. This is due to their Brachycephalic head shape. One thing that they don’t have is stamina. They cannot run for long distances without getting tired and overheating. They need to take frequent breaks to cool down and rest in order to avoid overheating or exhaustion.

French Bulldogs weight between 20-30 pounds.
French Bulldogs live between 10-14 years.
French Bulldogs are a mixed breed originally used for chasing rats and critters in the 1800s.
French Bulldogs are prone to IVDD injury and are more likely to be injured jumping from high surfaces. They also can develop breathing issues due to their narrow airways.
A Frenchie should be walked regularly and can play throughout the day. They should avoid too much exercise and being overexerted.