When looking for the perfect addition to your family, you will find so many adorable dog breeds to choose from. According to the American Kennel Club, these ten breeds are among the best choices for average families and households with children.

In at number 10 is the Collie

The collies are one of the most intelligent dogs you will find. These dogs are known for their incredible herding skills, and ability to keep livestock rounded up and in check. Collies are very active dogs and require some daily exercise, but the rest of the time they are quite happy relaxing around the house. They can grow to anywhere between 50 and 75 lbs, The most popular collie is a Rough Collie, named Lassies, an instant classic originally started in the 1940s and is still filming new films today!


Number 9 is the French Bulldog
We’ve talked a lot about the French Bulldog on this channel, They are incredibly entertaining and loving creatures. They are great around kids but require a fair amount of attention just like your kids. French bulldogs have surged in popularity over the last decade and can carry a fairly high price tag. They are a brachycephalic breed and must not be overexerted due to their narrow airways, shorts walks and a lot of affection is what will keep this breed happy. They will grow to between 16 and 28lbs, they are well suited for condo living and very adaptable to many different environments.

Number 8 we have the Newfoundland

These dogs were originally bred and used as working dogs for fishermen in Newfoundland, Canada. They are large dogs, with incredible strength, intelligence, but also calm and loyal. These dogs are known for their water rescue skills, which they excel at due to their muscular build, thick coat, and webbed paws. Their bone mass allows these dogs to cut through the powerful ocean waves like a creature from the sea. They are moderately active dogs that can grow between 100 and 150lbs. They likely inherit their laid-back personality from co-existing so many years with native Newfoundlanders, who are also known for their hospitality and likability.

Number 7 goes to the Brussel Griffon

These guys are named after their city of origin, Brussels, Belgium, which descend from a dog called a Smousje which was used to help eliminate rodents. The Griffon has not generally been an overly popular god, however, they enjoyed a brief increase in interest in the United States after appearing in a popular movie, as good as it gets released back in 1997. These dogs need to be well socialized at a young age with children and other animals. They are the smaller side reaching weights between 8-10lbs.

Number 6 Is the Irish Setter

The Irish Setter is an outgoing, high-energy pup that loves to run and is better suited for families that have access to larger spaces for them to let loose. They were originally bred for hunting and excelled at seeking out game birds with their incredible sense of smell. The Irish Setters Beautiful red coat requires some moderate grooming to keep it looking stellar, you will need to brush these beauties at least 2 times per week. You can expect them to bark a bit, they’ll grow to between 60-70 lbs.

Number 5 – The Pug

The pug is a distinctive-looking, squish-faced pup with lots of wrinkles. Pugs were brought from China to Europe in the sixteenth century and became popular in Western Europe. Pugs are very playful and love human companionship. Pugs are known to pack a lot of dog in such a small package, they are very determined and rarely aggressive. Pugs have appeared in pop culture and famous films such as men in black, featuring Frank the alien talking pug. pugs have a moderate energy level and like to be walked regularly. They will grow between 14-18 lbs.

Number 4 – We’ve got The Beagle

The beagle is a compact scent hound, which was bred primarily for hunting hare. They have incredible temper and tracking abilities. They are often used as detection dogs for seeking out prohibited foods from entering various countries around the world. These dogs are very good to train, but they can be a bit on the vocal side. They are great around other dogs and are prone to separation anxiety when left alone. The most famous beagle of all …was Snoopy, in a popular comic, peanuts started in the 1950s which evolved into tv shows and movies that are still being broadcasted today. The beagle will grow to between 20 and 30lbs.

Number 3 – The Golden Retriever

These dogs are highly intelligent, friendly, and loyal of dogs. The name, retriever refers to the ability of the dog to retrieve shot game without damaging it due to their soft mouths. These dogs have a love of water, with a dense inner coat that provides warmth in the outdoors. They are a popular choice for disability assistance and can be trained as a guide dog for people that can’t see or that can’t hear. Golden Retrievers will back when necessary but are not known for being loud. They would be a poor choice as a guard dog because they instinctually want to be everybody’s friend. They are one of the most popular breeds in North America, they can grow between 55 and 75 lbs. The popular film, Air Buds suggests these guys make great basketball players, so why not try to teach your retriever how to play a sport.
In at Number 2 is the bulldog
Known better at the English or British Bulldog, this breed is another super-wrinkly, brachycephalic breed, that loves affection and play. These dogs are on the quieter side and do not bark a lot, they are a great companion for kids and demonstrate a great temperament. Bulldogs are great in Condos and apartments where space is limited and accessing a running space is more difficult. The bulldog is a dependable breed and can grow between 40 and 50 lbs.

And the number 1 familiy freindly pet, is the Labrador Retriever

This dog has been the most popular dog in the USA for several years. They are very similar to the golden lab, an active and outgoing breed and one of the most friendly and personal breeds you can imagine. Labrador retrievers are also a popular choice for guide dogs or therapy dogs and are extremely obedient and eager to please their master. They come in a few different colors and their coating is on the shorter side, but they still do shed. The Labrador retriever originated in the United Kingdom and can weigh between 55-75 lbs. The dog popularity list will be released in just a few weeks, so we’ll see if this dog continues to hold the top spot in that category too. Stay tuned right here and subscribe so you don’t miss it. Check out more of our great videos available on our channel like this one right here.


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